Performance of solar home system

Estimation of PV Stand-alone System electricity generation for the chosen location

Location: 45�32'9" North, 7�6'39" East, Elevation: 2242 m a.s.l.,

Nominal power of the PV system: 480 W
Inclination of modules: 35 deg.
Battery size : 12 V, 500 Ah
Discharge cutoff limit (%) 40 %
Consumption per day: 972 Wh

Number of days used for the calculation:1801
Percentage of days with fully charged battery 43%
Average energy not captured due to full battery: 903Wh/day
Percentage of days the battery became fully discharged: 19%
Average energy missing: 497Wh/day

The graph and table below show the (estimated) daily amount of electric power you can expect in each month from a Solar Home PV system with the properties you entered. It also shows the yearly average production per day.

MonthEd Ff Fe
Jan 737.0 449
Feb 850.0 2426
Mar 887.0 2619
Apr 979.0 4013
May 948.0 478
Jun 983.0 617
Jul 972.0 920
Aug 971.0 790
Sep 959.0 700
Oct 954.0 530
Nov 659.0 948
Dec 542.0 069
Year 873.5
Ed: Average energy production per day (Wh/day)
Ff: Percentage of days when battery became full (%)
Fe: Percentage of days when battery became empty (%)

Cs Cb
40-46 15
46-52 4
52-58 4
58-64 4
64-70 4
70-76 4
76-82 4
82-88 6
88-94 22
94-100 27
Cs: Charge state at end of each hour (%)
Cb: Percentage of days with this charge state (%)


Probability of battery charge state at the end of day

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