Figure 1.
scheme of 454 sequencing. Double-stranded sequencing templates are
blunt end repaired, and two universal adapters, A and B, are ligated to
their ends. The B-adapter carries a 5′ biotin (I). Streptavidin beads
are used to isolate only molecules carrying an A and a B adapter (II).
The single-stranded sequencing library is melted from the beads through
alkaline treatment (III). A PCR reaction mix containing 600 000
oligonucleotide-coated sepharose beads and an appropriate number of
library molecules is emulsified to produce physically separated droplets
as reaction vessels (IV). After amplification, the emulsion is broken
while the PCR products remain attached to the beads. Since most beads
remain empty in emPCR, amplified beads are isolated through a bead
enrichment procedure (V). A total of 50 000 beads are required for
loading onto the wells of a 16th 454 FLX picotitre plate region, and the
sequencing reaction is performed by flowing nucleotides over the plate
and measuring light emissions. Beads carrying multiple amplicons produce
mixed signals, which are recognized and filtered out by the
run-processing software.